
Create Login

With a login name and password, you will have access to new features on our website including the ability to register and pay for Frontline Focus trainings online! Please create a login name and password below (and be sure to save it somewhere for future use!) If you are a CJC member, this is especially important, as you need to enter your login information to access the discounted member price on Frontline Focus trainings.

Contact Information

Please tell us a little bit about yourself below so we can contact you in the future!


Mailing Lists

Please let us know what CJC mailing lists you would like to join. Here is how we use our lists:

  • Action & Advocacy: Sign up to join the fight for workers, job seekers, and the programs and policies that help move people out of poverty through employment. We send these irregularly, as needed.
  • Announcements: Sign up to stay on top of upcoming workforce related events, news, and updates about the field and our partners. We send these as needed, which is usually monthly.
  • CJC At Work Newsletter: Sign up to receive occasional updates about what’s going on with us at CJC. These are our least frequent emails. See past messages here.
  • Frontline Focus: Sign up to stay informed about upcoming training opportunities with FFTI, learn about new courses in development, free opportunities through the Frontline Workforce Association, and more! These are weekly emails.
  • Workforce Development Working Group: Sign up for updates about our bi-monthly Working Group meetings. We send these a few times a month.